The Legend
legend - noun
a: a story coming down from the past; especially one popularly regarded as historical although not entirely verifiable
b: a person or thing that inspires legends
The history, or rather ‘the story’ of music is being continually written and rewritten.
It is evolving, changing, pushes ahead, retreats back to familiar ground.
Often, the worst thing that can be said about bands and musicians is that they are “ahead of their time,” because it usually means that a lack of commercial success is based on the public’s lack of current ability to understand the music.
All too often, these musicians are the catalyst of change and only highly regarded after the fact.
You don’t have to think too hard to come up with a list of people in all walks of the arts who died penniless,
only to be household names later on.
Visit The Nu Muze Kartel to see how Denny Jiosa and I are rewriting our part of the story.
Truth - noun
a: the true or actual state of a matter.
b: conformity with fact or reality.
c: a verified or indisputable fact, proposition, principle
d: the state or character of being true.
e: actuality or actual existence.