Jeffrey Scot Wills - Tenor Saxophone Pat McCormick - Piano John Huber - Bass Brian Kushmaul - Drums
3 Days In Evansville is dedicated to the late Pat McCormick. A brilliant musician, an incredible
pianist, and most of all a beautiful person.
3 Days In Evansville was recorded in drummer Brian Kushmaul’s living room. His house was ideal in that it had a large open space where the band could set up and hear each other, and the room sounded great? It was also the central location between where the musicians lived: Evansville, Nashville, Indianapolis, and Henderson, KY.
Over the course of several years, the band had been meeting to perform and practice for different engagements, so recording became the end result, not the impetus. All too often, musicians are put in the studio to record, and then tour to support the recording. Jazz should be recorded just the opposite way. The tour should come first, giving the musicians a chance to become a true unified group, to learn the music and explore it to its fullest, and THEN document the end result when the music is at its creative height. Central Standard Time recorded 25-30 songs over three days, and most of the record comes from the final day of recording.